Ngakpa Garwang Dorje |
Ngakpa Garwang DorjeNgakpa Garwang has been an apprentice within the Aro gTér lineage since 2001 – and was ordained as a ngakpa by his Tsawa’i Lamas Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in 2011. He has thoroughgoing experience of silent sitting meditation according to the Four Naljors – and in mantra and envisionment practice. He is particularly well versed in respect of Dzogchen gar-dang, the practice of Yogic Song. Having grown up in the Salzkammergut he is enthusiastic about practising in the mountain wilderness. Ngakpa Garwang organises public events and retreats in Wien (Vienna) for visiting Aro gTér teachers. He leads a monthly practice group which includes silent sitting and Yogic Song. During the warmer months of the year he also leads a weekly group in a park to practise Ying’khor, a body of physical exercises from the Ling Gésar gTérma of Rang-rig Togden. Both practice groups are generally open to anybody who is interested to participate, including total newcomers. For a living he works at the Medical University Wien as a researcher in the area of medical statistics. His profession covers a wide variety of activities, including statistical consulting for medical researchers, methodological research in statistical genetics and teaching statistics to undergraduate and graduate students. Ngakpa Garwang enjoys family life as a husband and father; finding both his diverse job and his home-situation a rich opportunity for living the view as everyday practice. Mit deutschsprachigen Aro Mitgliedern und Interessenten korrespondiert Ngakpa Garwang natürlich auch gerne auf Deutsch. Er freut sich immer darüber Fragen zur Aro gTér Linie beantworten zu dürfen. Upcoming events with Ngakpa Garwang Dorje: No events currently scheduled. |
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