Aro Dictionary

An approach within Buddhism. A yana is a coherent system of theory and practice that carries one from a base via a path to a particular result. Literally, yana means ‘vehicle’, and it is sometimes translated that way. 
Yanas may be classified in several ways. In Aro, and the Nyingma tradition generally, the three primary yanas are Dzogchen, Tantrayana, and Sutrayana. Tantrayana is then divided into inner Tantra and outer Tantra, both of which have their own subdivisions. Sutrayana consists of Hinayana and Mahayana.
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Yeshé Tsogyel
The female Buddha who – with her consort Padmasambhava – established Tantric Buddhism in Tibet. Yeshé Tsogyel is regarded as the wellspring of Aro. Alternatively spelled Yeshe Tsogyal.
The Tibetan spelling is ye shes mTsho rGyal.
Read more about: Yeshé Tsogyel
An ‘awareness-being’. A visionary form expressing enlightenment.  
Sometimes translated ‘meditational deity’ or ‘tutelary deity’. From point of view of inner Tantra, yidams are not seen as external gods, but as styles of enlightenment that we can potentially manifest.
The Tibetan spelling is yi dam.
Read more about: yidam
yidam practice
A meditation in which a yidam is visualised. In outer Tantra, the yidam is visualised externally. In inner Tantra, one visualises oneself as the yidam. This is also called ‘self-arising’ or ‘envisionment’.
Read more about: yidam practice
The Sanskrit term for Naljorpa.
yogic song
Yogic song is a method in which the non-conceptual sensory experience of the voice provides the possibility of finding the presence of awareness (rigpa) in the dimension of sound and bodily sensation. Yogic song is a practice of Dzogchen.
The equivalent Tibetan term is Dzogchen gar-dang. It is spelled rDzogs chen sGar gDangs.
Read more about: yogic song
The Sanskrit term for Naljorma.