Depression is the postern

Depression is the postern

Apprentice I do tend to get overwhelmed, and worry intensely about things . . .

Khandro Déchen If you see this as a pattern, then that is called practice. The function of practice with regard to pattern is simply to recognise the pattern and let go of the pattern

Apprentice: . . . then get depressed when I cannot bear the level of worry, and overanalyse, and it would be good to stop all this.

Ngak’chang Rinpoche Yes—depression is the postern with regard to failure to see the cerebral pattern of the pattern. If you identify with the pattern then the pattern becomes an identity card. I would not describe it as ‘over analyse’—because any analysis is ‘over’ or beyond requirement. The only requirement is to sit and let go of whatever arises. In the silence of sitting, pattern becomes naked—and, seen for what it is, collapses.

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