Drinking the wine of the situation

Drinking the wine of the situation

Apprentice Rinpoche, you said that in the practice of shi-nč, when either physical pain or pleasure arises, I should merely perceive it and leave it alone—that I do not have to apply processes of any kind. You said that each situation is unique as it arose and that therefore I could simply go along with it, allowing it manifest according to the nature of its arising. I don’t quite understand what you mean by ‘go along with’.

Ngak’chang Rinpoche ‘Going along with’ pertains to not trying to adjust everything to our convenience—drinking the wine of the situation rather than whining about it.  It is simply a matter of not disallowing. Even though the non-refusal of what is manifesting may be confusing, simply allow the given situation to be what it is. Simply avoid the urge to convert it into something else—that is to say, do not attempt to translate it in terms of an educational process. Simply see it. Simply perceive it. Then simply allow it to abandon itself. If you experience something and then allow the experience to abandon itself, you will provide space in which felt-knowledge and phenomena merely take their own course. Self-abandonment is the yeast in the fermentation process in which mind gives rise to wine rather than whining.

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